single pay life insurance quote

single pay life insurance quote

single pay life insurance quote


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





How much is a male 17 year old new driver going to have to pay for car insurance?

How much is a male 17 year old new driver going to have to pay for car insurance?



Where can i get affordable health insurance for someone with no kids?

Where can i get affordable health insurance for someone with no kids?



What is the cost of car insurance in ontario canada?

i live in thorhill. i just got my licence (G2). im 19 and a student. anyone can give me an approximation of the fee per month?



How much does liability auto insurance cost in Florida?

I am coming up to 21 years old, and moving to Miami in August for a year with a student visa. I am told that it's very useful to have a car in the USA, and as I am a car owner in the UK with almost 2 years of comprehensive with no claims, I was hoping that I would be able to purchase a car in the USA. Will this be possible and at what price?



What is the cost of insurance for a bugatti?

What is the cost of insurance for a bugatti?



Can I use my mums Tesco Clubcard to get cheaper car insurance?

I'm looking to buy my first car and naturally insurance is expensive. It is usually just out of my price range but I discovered yesterday that if I use my mums clubcard to get a discount on Tesco's website it brings it down to an affordable level for me. However I was just wondering if I can use my mums clubcard to lower my insurance or is this not allowed?? I can't find anything that definitavely answers my question on Tesco's website.



Cheap car insurance for 17 year old female?

So i passed my driving test December 2011. Looking at car insurance and all im getting is around 2000. Ive done everything to make it cheaper because when i first started shopping around it was saying 4500 at me :| Ive put my dad on my insurance, put my miles down, quoted small engine cheap cars like corsa 1.0 and ford ka 1.3 reg 1998-2003 etc. that its on a driveway, third party only you name it. Some of my friends have been quoted like 800 with their parents on the insurance for the same cars Ive been quoting, so i must be going wrong somewhere. oh and im 18 in 2 weeks will that make a difference? thanks!



How does a car qualify to be eligble for classic car insurance in the UK?

Are there specific companies that deal in this? Is it generally cheaper due to restrictions on the use of the car?



How long does it usually take to get car insurance?

Hi. I'm an 18 year old teen. Recently obtained my drivers license. But I can't drive yet because I don't have car insurance. I was wondering how long it usually takes to get car insurance as a teen. From researching it tells me it may take as short as 3 days and as long as 7 days. (Business days only of course). I've been waiting for around. 11 business days. Is that normal? I have no idea what the car insurance company my parents are using because they know i'm going to call them and complain. My friends who are...Allstate,Geico,Triple A, ETC. Have told me they got their car insurance in about 3 business days.



How much will my Car Insurance go up after first DUI?

I'm 20 years old and got a DUI. I am under my moms insurance plan and her plan has house and car insurance combined. I drive a 4 door SUV(slow) and have never gotten a point towards my license. She is covered through ALL STATE. How bad do you think this is going to be?



NY Full Coverage Insurance Rates?

How much is full coverage on any plan for a new driver?



Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?

I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.



Insurance on a 2000 pontiac grand prix gtp.?

anyone have one of these?? how is the insurance on it,? how much might you think an 18yr old might pay on this car? Ive never had speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. (knock on wood) thanks!



Should I continue to pay my car insurance?

I've been paying car insurance for a car that has been with a mechanic for the past 7 months. In order to get my car back I have to pay $900.00 USD. Should I cancel my car more



How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?

I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?



Will getting a speeding ticket increase my insurance rates?

I am 17 with my G2 on my parents State Farm Insurance Policy, but will be taken off in 5 months when I move out to university. I got a speeding ticket (65 in a 50) and no points with it...will they find out if I just mail the check myself?



Whats the best and the cheapest insurance for a 20 year old?

im in las vegas but, can anyone help on how to obtain cheap insurance or whats a way to get cheap insurance even if its by getting on my mothers insurance



How much does GEICO car insurance cost per month? a kia the 2011 sportage car



How much does Bmw Insurance costs?

My dad and I will buy a BMW 2006-2008 3 Series he is 45 and he pays for his mazda 3 year 1998 80$ per month, but i wanna know how much will it costs for a BMW..we live in florida and i am 19



Affordable Senior homes?

what is the best place for seniors who live on their own and have health problems or have difficulty in taking care of themselves? Something that can be affordable in the same time.



Does your insurance go up?

If you park in a bus stop zone, in NYC, and get a ticket. Does your car insurance go up? What happens? I paid it off right away in like 2 hours, will there be something else?



What are some affordable health insurance companies for young adults?

Im looking for some health insurance. anyone know of some good affordable companies?



Car insurance rate question?

If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?



How much will car insurance be for a VW Polo for a 17 year old?

I will be turning 17 in a year and a half and i am set on getting a 2006 Volkswagen Polo because i don't need much more from a car. It will mostly just be used for short drives through my town and city and I will be parking it on the road. I'm hoping to find one with a 1.2 engine and no higher because i know that is a dramatic factor in the insurance cost. I was just wondering, as a rough estimate, how much per year (in British pounds) would the insurance be?



What would insurance roughly cost for a 17 year old as a second driver to some one who has no tickets/fines?

im looking to buy a 1994 nissan skyline gts-t for my 1st car and am wondering roughly it would cost im also looking a 1992 dodge stealth


single pay life insurance quote

single pay life insurance quote


Best car insurance company in 2013?

I am looking for a new car insurance company. My current one is charging me $2500/year for 2 cars.



What is the Performance break down for State Farm Insurance?

For example: The statements for Sun Lifes performance is broken down into both geographic and market segments. These segments are: Sun Life Canada, Sun Life US, MFS Investment Management, Sun Life Asia and Corporate insurance. I am unable to find this information about State farm online, any help would be much appreciated! thanks a lot.



What's the best company to get individual health insurance? What organizations offer group health plan?

I am talking about health insurance that covers doctors, prescriptions, and hospital expenses.



Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?

I want to hire 50 car parking spaces from a major retail outlet in the UK with a view to renting these spaces to commuters /I will be sharing their car park with the retailers customers. Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?



How much is a low rate car insurance cost? how much would it be ??? ?

How much is a low rate car insurance cost? how much would it be ??? ?



Classic car insurance?Anyone with a classic car INSURED!?

Any information on insuring a Classic truck would be helpful. Like the license plate thing I keep hearing about. I find an original plate and never have to change it again? License plate information would be most helpful.....Maybe Help me figure out where to find a plate? :D 1989 Truck plate is what I will need. I know it's not a classic in most eyes..But tech it IS a classic. It's just a summer driver/Fun show truck........I DO have a 1969.....That is a classic...But I haven't got far enough to insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks for any help!



Affordable braces (Columbus, OH)?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any Orthodontists that will do braces within an affordable price range around Columbus, Ohio. I'm willing to travel out of city, not so much out of state. I have two kids that are in desperate need of braces, but I can't afford to get both of them done with the prices that most orthodontists have been giving me. One of my girlfriends told me that she got her son's braces done for about $1700, which AMAZED me. Unfortunately, that office is now closed. Does anyone know where I can get braces done without going out of the price range of about $3000 each? I'm willing to go higher, but with this economy, not much higher. Also, I do already have dental insurance.



I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?

My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she is on her father's plan which is a taditional co-pay plan. Would it work out to my advantage to use his at primary and mine as secondary? Can the co-pay requirement from his insurance be paid from my plan?



If I just got auto insurance?

If I just got auto insurance for my car but my car was crash before hand, should I still let the auto insurance company know even if I wasn't the driver?



My niece has a sr22 bond and insurance can she drive a car with that?

i need to know cause she is driving is hat legal?



Do I need to mention car insurance claims when going for motorbike insurance?

Title says it all really! I have a car insurance claim against me which I want to know if I have to declare when applying for motorbike insurance. Hopefully not, because motorcycling is quite different to car driving..?! Thanks!



Why do we expect employers to provide health insurance? Why not get your own?

The republicans want to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, what are they offering as an alternate given that half the population does not have health insurance.



What Is the average monthly payment on a new 2008 yamaha r1?

And the average insurance price cost for an 18 year old



Do I need a permanent address to get car insurance and register my car?

I live in california right now with my parents but I plan on traveling the country for a while living in my car. My insurance will be expired in march of 09 and I need to be smogged around then too. I wanted to leave mid december of this year and get out in the midwest/east for the next few years and just keep traveling. Can I just use a PO box address?? I dont want to use my parents address because they like to go through my mail. All of my friends are leaving to university in differnt states so I cant really rely on any of their addresses.



Any advice on GAP Insurance?

Just signed up to buy new SMART car with Mercedes dealer on 1,000 deposit then 111 a month for 3 yrs with option to buy car for balance at end or hand car back. Finance guy has advised me to buy GAP insurance cost 300 for 3 years. (This is on top of normal insurance) Has anybody had any dealings with this or can they advise please? I would appreciate serious replies only THANKS A LOT



Can you borrow against a primerica life insurance policy?

Can you borrow against a primerica life insurance policy?



How much can car insurance be cheaper if someone hold off driving 2 years after they can their license?

or is it any cheaper?



Car hit by uninsured driver - how to recover the costs?

My stationary car was hit by an uninsured driver in March 09. The insurance company made me pay 500 excess and said that this will be fully recoverable as the other driver was at fault. The car was then written off and I was paid the value of the car. In December the other driver was found guilty of driving without insurance, fined and given penalty points. Even though my policy gives me legal cover, it has now been 11 months since the incident and they do not seem to be very active. Also, my policy expires next month and as the claim is still open, the insurers assume that I lost my no claim bonus and quoted me twice as much for the renewal. I'm confused now, is there anything I can do to get my 500 back? I hope you can give me any ideas on what to do. Thanks



I'm auto insured in CA but not in NY how do i get insured in NY?

Hi I have auto insurance in california that's where i live and the car is registered in Ca also. The company that I have doesn't cover my car in NY it only covers for 10 days while I'm there in NY, But I'm going to be in NY for a while I might move there. What do I have to do to get insured in NY? And also the car is not in my name. What Do I DO?



How can I find out NAIC number for car insurance company?

I am filling out a report for DMV and there is a section where I need to provide the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number for AAA. I talked the company and my agent and they say that there is no such thing? I wonder if there is any where I can look this info up..... Any idea?



Am a 20 year old female how much car isurance should i pay?

i mean of course i can go on insurance companies and check it out but they take too long! i want to know how much should i pay for a 1.1 or 1.2 Corsa or cleo for my age and i have only had my licence for 2 months. whats the average/ lowest / highest should i pay? btw i know am a good and responsible driver, i don't drive to show off, i drive for my pleasure and work :) UK answers please



I had a little accident and I have some questions about car insurance.?

I rear ended my cousins brand new car. I have car insurance, that's not the problem. The problem is that she hasn't had car insurance for the past two months AND she doesn't have a drivers license, only a permit. When I call my insurance company to report this, are they going to ask for her information? Is there anyway to get around this? What should I do?



Question about medical insurance?

how can i find out whether or not my medical insurance is expired or not? i have medicaid and i was told i should receive a letter about the matter in the mail but i haven't yet.



Car insurance quote?

I am a 17 year old boy in Texas I just bought a white 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2 door Paid with Cash I've never had a ticket or anything on my record Does anyone know about how much my insurance will run?



How much will car insurance run about for a 16 year old male who gets good grades and has taken drivers ed?

I am a 16 year old male who has taken driver's ed and gets good grades. I am going to be added to my parents insurance. About how much on average will it cost me per month? Please give me a guesstimate, and I do not want to go to sites for quotes. Thanks


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single pay life insurance quote


How can i move and keep my old states insurance??

I plan to move to Ny and i got a quote from my car insurance company and it is ridiculously high. Is there a way to keep my insurance without changing it to where i plan to move to?



Limiting the cost of home insurance in Florida?

How can we limit the cost of home insurance in Florida?



How much insurance would be if i bought a 1994 honda civic dx?

i am 18 and i plan on buying a car next year so i just wanted to know how much insurance would cost



SR-22 Insurance only exists in Washington state?!?

Is this true? I have to get one of them expensive insurance in order to get my license back, but soon I'm leaving this ugly state of Washington. is it true that SR-22 only applies to residents of Washington state?



How much car liability insurance should a person have for complete coverage without over insureing?

How much car liability insurance should a person have for complete coverage without over insureing?



Insurance for drivers with convictions?

I have several driving convictions including drink driving in the last 5 years although ive never held a licence until now but my insurance is too high would you recommend not declaring convictions to insurance companies or changing my age to a low risk age group? please no do gooders



How online auto insurance works?

Registering a new car,not a transfer of insurance. I am planning on purchasing GEICO insurance but am not sure how process works. After reviewing registration steps it states the local agent has to sign and stamp RMV-1 form. How will that work if my insurance provider is online? Do they send an agent or do I drive out to closest office? Is the process longer with an online insurance?



Im a 16 year old and got my drivers license how long should i wait to get my motorcycle license?

Since im 16 and got my license. if i wait will the cost of motorcycle insurance go down? if so by about how much?



1999 toyota camry insurance cost?

1999 toyota camry insurance cost?



Classic Car Insurance for a 17 year old?

im wanting to buy a classic mini (1989) its a 1l what is the best way to go about insuring it..? i've seen adrian flux do cover you if you ring up but its limited mileage, how does that work :) Thankyou very much!



How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?

How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?



Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?

I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?



How much will my insurance company give me for a totaled car?

i bought a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero and totaled it less than a month later. the kbb value of the car is about $3000. Can anyone tell me about how much i should get from the insurance company?



Heallth insurance for the self employed?

I need dental and health insurance for an affordable price. I am unmarried.... what can I do? who offers it? how much will it cost?



Car insurance for a 16 year old?

hi, i live in city center Mississauga, ontario, Canada. (Hurantario and Eglington) I am 16 years old and i can get my G2 next month if i am a second owner and second driver (my dad is the first driver) of a MAzda Rx8 2003. also receieved driving lessons. how much will my insurace will be per month, both my parents insurance is 300 per month



Can someone please explain the diff. between term life insurance and regular life?

Also is it better to just by a plot burial and lock in the rates today, my job does not offer life insurance and i would like some type of reassurance for my family if i were to die. I'm in the 25-35 yr range group, can anyone suggest polices or explain them altogether!



What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?

I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!



New Car/ Insurance.?

I just got a new car, and my mom needs to put me on her insurance. We are with State Farm, will she just go in and say what car it is? or will I have to go in with her with the car?



Good insurance for a small liquor store/market in Los angeles county?

I am looking for a good commercial insurance company for my newly purchased small liquor store/market in southern California. It's a tiny 850 sqft store. I am looking for one that is reputable & lower price. Anybody know? What kind of coverage should I get? approximate cost? best most helpful answer gets full points!



Driving without auto insurance?

what are the concusguences



New Car/ New insurance...need it immediately?

I will be buying a car on Sunday. I am under my parent's insurance right now but will be getting my own when I get the new car. Do I need to get the new insurance policy before driving the car off the lot? How can I do this without the VIN number? I live in Florida.



What kind of car insurance is this?

Where I am insured, and not my car. So basically, i can drive any car i want but no one else can drive mine because IT isnt insured. (not unless they have the same type of insurance anyway.) Does anyone know what i am talking about?



Closing on a house, need the title insurance?

So far this home buying process has been hell, and I am ready to close this month rather than next month... But our broker said, to close by the end of July, it depends on when they recieve the title insurance... Everything is done on our end, basically we are just waiting on the sellers to do their part... Could it really take longer than a month to get the title insurance? And, what is title insurance? Thanks in advance



Why do rich people buy health insurance?

like billionaires, why would they but health insurance? it is not like they cant afford the medical bill.



When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???

About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.


single pay life insurance quote

single pay life insurance quote


I'm turning 19 in August, Is there any free health insurance?

I've had All kids for the past several years and now that I'm turning 19 in August they're taking it away. I'm a full time college student, I can't afford health insurance, what can I do? All of the money that I make goes towards my schooling.



How much is insurance for a 17 year old ?

im looking forward to buying a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 but before anything i would like to know how much is the insurance , because im paying everything myself ,so it would be under my own name .



I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?

I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.



I need help finding a fast cool cheap on insurance car?

my dad has a 322 hp 2007 monte carlo ss. im turning 16 september 15th and i need a car. the car has to be low insurance but also cool and fast. also i want to tune it like the cars on fast n the furious. so it has to be a car i can tune. also not so new. im not rich. thanks



Any idea how much insurance is on a slightly new mustang for a 16 year old?

pretty much said it all but maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how much insurance would be since its his first car.. thanks



Does Car Insurance Still Go Down On Parent's Insurance?

Basically i am going on my parent's insurance but as a named driver only. I know the risks of it and was wondering what will happen when i turn 25 Will my insurance still go down or will i have to pay a full insurance due to only being a named driver ?



Will auto insurance provider raise my premium rates for filing a claim even if the incident is not my fault?

I just noticed some deep scrapes/scratches on left corner of rear bumper on my Prius after returning from late-night shopping. I was thinking about filing a claim on basis of vandalism, but I heard providers tend to raise rates for filing a claim whether it's my fault or not. I'm just wondering if it'll cost me less in the long run to go for it or just find and go to an auto paint shop directly?



What type of car insurance is the best for first time drivers?

About to buy a car for the first time just wanna kno wat car insurance would be the best for a 16 year old



How much is motorcycle insurance?

If your 18 with no wrecks or tickets and the bike's engine is a 440 (not fast). Any cheap insurance companies?



Who do i call about health Insurance ?

I'm 19 years old and live on my own. How can I get health insurance in my own name since my father is no longer w us and my motherdoesnt ha ve her own ?!



Temporary car insurance? ?

I recently bought a vehicle from a private party sell. I thought there was a grace period to get insurance but I was wrong. Is there a way I can get temporary insurance just so it'll be street legal? Like a 24 hour insurance or something similar? I need to move soon and the truck needs to come with. Let me know. Thanks.



Teenager car insurance help?

Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated!



Will my Speeding ticket increase State farm insurance?

I was recently caught speeding in MN, going 87 in a 60 (I know that;s bad). Is there anything I can do to reduce the cost/penalty such as Traffic school ? Or am I screwed?



Cons ...why do you argue on behalf of insurance companies ?

Knowing that at some point you'll have to argue with the insurance agent on behalf of yourself ? An argument you will likely lose by the way, since no reforms have been passed....



Does car insurance in america cost less than the uk? Is it the car thats insured for any driver?

Is the car insured for any driver or do you have to insure the driver for the car. eg. would it cost a 20yr old the same as a 50 yr old to insure a car regardless of the car?



Need cheap TAXI CAB insurance... anyone know any companies?!?

Im based in southern California and I'm using a crack pot shop called Fiesta insurance and their thru the roof! I cannot find any Taxi insurers for a growing 2 car company! Need help, I've left messages with numerous companies and the only ones that call back are the ones who don't offer insurance for my needs... ANYONE have any info? I'd be most grateful!



Auto Insurance question?

First of all, I was involved in an accident. I was hit from the rear and then I slammed into the car in front of me. Im not that smart when it comes to my policy, and I would like to change that. Im not exactly sure where Im covered in this area. Like I said, Im not auto insurance savvy, so if possible, keep explanation of coverage and the location of coverage in general terms. These are based on an average coverage. I need to find the following: The cost of a medical checkup for my passenger The front and rear damage to my car The damage to the car in front of me The damage to the car behind me The total amount of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance?

I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota..



Car Insurance?

I want to cancel my insurance or rather freeze it until the 3 November. Would i get into trouble though if i took it to the garage when i had cancelled my insurance or eve froze it..



How much woul i pay for auto insurance on 2007 Hyundai Tiburon?

V6 2 door coupe. Im 18. 2 tickets, 1 for running a red light. Other was a car accident, 9000$ cost to insurance on property damage. No injuries, or if anybody owns one let me kno hoe more



How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?

I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!



Is insurance for a car replica cheaper?

Is it true that kit cars, example toyota mr2 to murcialago insurance cheaper??



Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?

I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?



What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?

im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.



How much is the car insurance for a 18 year old boy with a dodge viper ACR 09 model?

ow much would i be paying a year with full coverage. Its a dodge viper ACR 09 model. Im an 18 year old male. Its a $112,000 car.


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single pay life insurance quote